RabbitMQ RabbitMQ gets support for delayed messages delivery Recently, new plugin for RabbitMQ was created which provides support for delayed messaging. The plugin adds new exchange type to RabbitMQ which will store messages internally, using Mnesia, until they are scheduled for
EasyNetQ How to process messages in parallel using EasyNetQ The IBus interface from [EasyNetQ][1] framework has SubscribeAsync() method which allows easily to span message handling between different threads. It uses standard TPL Tasks for delegating handler execution. Depending on the application,
EasyNetQ How to allow EasyNetQ finish processing message on application stop This post was written as an answer to one of the questions on EasyNetQ user group.The main principle of [EasyNetQ][1] bus is simplicity. It greatly abstracts nuances of communicating with RabbitMQ
EasyNetQ Tell EasyNetQ bus what Queue name to use for your messages When you consume messages from EasyNetQ bus you do not need to worry about naming and creating queues or exchanges. That’s done for you. The framework will use a pattern when generating
EasyNetQ EasyNetQ – methods for delivering messages When designing your system you have few options on how the messages will be delivered to your consumers:messages are delivered in round-robin fashion – this is a great option for distributed, load balanced
EasyNetQ Using complex type messages with EasyNetQ This is the second post in series about EasyNetQ. In the first post I am explaining how to install RabbitMQ and write simple application which publishes and consumes string messages. Complex type message
RabbitMQ EasyNetQ with RabbitMQ – easy way to messaging Few people have asked me already how to start using RabbitMQ in .NET, so I decided to write a short post about it. Installation First, visit erlang’s page, download erlang distribution according