How to log exceptions

If you log exceptions by saving it’s message:

logger.Error("Operation failed." + ex.Message);

or it’s string representation:

logger.Error("Operation failed." + ex.ToString());

you do it wrong! It makes extremely hard if not impossible to find out what went wrong in the application.
To be able to successfully debug application from log files you have to log at least: exception type, message, stack trace and, recursively, inner exceptions. For more specific exceptions you also want to log their properties. And then there is an AggregateException for which you need to log all aggregated exceptions.

Logging frameworks

There are many logging frameworks available and you should definitely use one. Make sure that the framework will handle exception logging and than use it! Even if the framework allows for passing object to be logged, for exceptions you should use an overload method which takes exception as a parameter. Those methods will take care of saving at least most important details about the exception and usually will support saving properties of specific exceptions such as ErrorCode or Procedure from SqlException. You may also find that the framework takes special rendering class which allows for better control of rendered message.


The log4net is one of the frameworks I use and it has support for handling typical exceptions as well as for providing custom renderers. All logging methods have overload which takes an exception object as a parameter. You use it like that:

ILog logger;
    // code
catch (Exception ex)
    loger.Error("Failed to publish message to the bus.", ex);

When the operation fails then you should have something like this in the log:

2014-05-09 15:56:45,180 [8] ERROR - Failed to publish message to the bus.
System.Exception: The operation failed.
   at Log4NetSpike.Program.TestException() in C:CodeCustom SolutionSpikesLog4NetSpikeLog4NetSpikeProgram.cs:line 43

If exception has InnerException than we get it’s details as well:

2014-05-09 16:03:10,968 [9] ERROR - Log exception
System.Exception: outer exception ---> System.Exception: The inner operation failed.
   at Log4NetSpike.Program.DoThrow() in C:CodeCustom SolutionSpikesLog4NetSpikeLog4NetSpikeProgram.cs:line 53
   at Log4NetSpike.Program.TestInnerException() in C:CodeCustom SolutionSpikesLog4NetSpikeLog4NetSpikeProgram.cs:line 62
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Log4NetSpike.Program.TestInnerException() in C:CodeCustom SolutionSpikesLog4NetSpikeLog4NetSpikeProgram.cs:line 67

Using Exception Renderer

If you do not like the way the exception is rendered, or you want to log some custom exception properties then you can provide your own class which inherits from IObjectRenderer. Below is a sample renderer which logs detailed data from SqlException:

using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using log4net.ObjectRenderer;

namespace Log4NetSpike
    public class SqlExceptionRenderer : IObjectRenderer
        public void RenderObject(RendererMap rendererMap, object obj, TextWriter writer)
            var thrown = obj as SqlException;

            if (thrown == null)

            var indentedTextWriter = new IndentedTextWriter(writer) { Indent = 1 };
            RenderSqlException(thrown, indentedTextWriter);
            RenderInnerException(thrown.InnerException, indentedTextWriter);


        private static void RenderInnerException(Exception ex, IndentedTextWriter writer)
            if (ex == null)

            writer.Indent += 1;
            writer.WriteLine("Inner exception ----->");

            RenderException(ex, writer);

            writer.WriteLine("<----- Inner exception");
            writer.Indent -= 1;

            RenderInnerException(ex.InnerException, writer);

        private static void RenderException(Exception ex, IndentedTextWriter writer)
            writer.WriteLine("Exception Type: {0}", ex.GetType().FullName);
            writer.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message);

            RenderStackTrace(ex, writer);

        private static void RenderSqlException(SqlException ex, IndentedTextWriter writer)
            writer.WriteLine("Exception Type: {0}", ex.GetType().FullName);
            writer.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "Class: {0}", ex.Class);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "Server: {0}", ex.Server);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "Source: {0}", ex.Source);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "State: {0}", ex.State);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "LineNumber: {0}", ex.LineNumber);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "Number: {0}", ex.Number);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "Procedure: {0}", ex.Procedure);
            WriteLineIfNotEmpty(writer, "ErrorCode: {0}", ex.ErrorCode);

            RenderStackTrace(ex, writer);

        private static void RenderStackTrace(Exception ex, IndentedTextWriter writer)

            writer.Indent += 1;
            using (var sr = new StringReader(ex.StackTrace ?? string.Empty))
                var line = sr.ReadLine();
                while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
            writer.Indent -= 1;

        private static void WriteLineIfNotEmpty(TextWriter writer, string message, params object[] args)
            if (args.Any(i => i != null))
                writer.WriteLine(message, args);


To register the renderer add following line into your log4net configuration:

<renderer renderingClass="Log4NetSpike.SqlExceptionRenderer, Log4NetSpike" renderedClass="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>

(set value of renderingClass to fully qualified name of the renderer you use.)

Debugging with logs

Now, once you have detailed information about the exception you can begin debugging. I usually start with checking the exception message and type. Next I use stack trace to find source code (if you use ReSharper than check out Browse Stack Trace from menu Tools) and by checking previous messages I try to determine what was going on in the app.